According to Berj Zavian, a master jeweler for over fifty years and a frequent guest on The Antiques Roadshow, the simple response to; “what can you always give a girl?” should always be: “why pearls, of course.” With such a special gift, you may also want to tell her how to care for and clean pearl jewelry. Natural, iridescent, luminous…
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Why Some Pearl Necklaces May Not Last
Pearls are a very interesting type of jewelry that some people love and some people hate. There is no grade model to rate pearls on quality and how good each pearl is. It depends on how it looks to an eye and some people may have different opinions than others. With that being said, pearls are not really made to…
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The gemstone Pearl information and pictures (tahiti, south sea)
Pearls have been valued for centuries, for their luminescence and beauty. Besides the value of their intrinsic beauty, pearls have been deemed valuable because of their scarcity and the difficulty, historically, in finding and acquiring them. Unlike other jewels, pears are not minerals that grow in the earth. Rather, pearl’s arise organically, created by mollusks, that spread nacre over an…
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How Are Colored Pearls Made?
Pearls are one of those jewels that women love to have even if they do not know the value of what they are actually wearing. It is funny because there is no scale that determines what makes a pearl valuable or not so people are swayed by the look of a pearl more times than not. Colored pearls are a…
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How Are Pearls Made? What Are Cultured Pearls? Pearl Colors & Grading
Pearls are coveted jewels. However, they are also hard masses that grow inside the shells of live mollusks. Although the most common hues are white and black, there are some unusual shadings, such as pink and green variations. Perfectly round pearls are very unusual and therefore very costly. Other shapes are drop, baroque, button and pear, to name a few….
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